Answered by
8 years ago Edited 8 years ago
Well, UIS won't work on the server, so try using RemoteEvents
or RemoteFunctions
They are pretty similar, the main difference being RFunctions
can return values and are accessed as functions instead of events. Example of both:
1 | local reloadEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ReloadEvent |
3 | function onKeyPress(input) |
4 | if input.KeyCode = = Enum.KeyCode.R then |
5 | reloadEvent:FireServer() |
9 | game:GetService( "UserInputService" ).InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress) |
01 | local reloadEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ReloadEvent |
03 | reloadEvent.OnServerEvent:connect( function (clientFiredFrom) |
09 | function reloadFunction.OnServerInvoke:connect(clientFiredFrom) |
Hope I helped!