Hello, sorry if I'm not doing this right, I'm new to SH. But, I have a few local scripts(that actually have a multitude of bugs, but anyway...) and they're not wanting to print to the output, either output. For example, even this doesn't work.
wait() LocalP = game.Players.LocalPlayer LocalP.CharacterAdded:wait() Char = LocalP.Character print("Variables set")
Now, that's pretty much what all these problems are like. Sorry if my code is bad, I'm still fairly new to scripting. But yeah, script is located in StarterGui for now(StarterPack didn't seem to want to work either), and they're all localscripts. If you have any other questions you'd like to ask, please feel free. However, as of the time of writing this thread, I won't be able to post back for a good few hours.
SOLUTION: The problem was that the player had spawned prior to the script loading, meaning the "LocalP.CharacterAdded:wait()" line would jam up the whole script.
LocalScripts don't print to the Server's Output. If you test using Test->Play Solo then they will, because the client and server are one and the same. If you test using Test->Start Server=>Start Player then LocalScript prints will appear in individual Client Outputs.
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