I made a script to change the text of a Textbox on a SurfaceGui.
01 | print "Screen Changer Loaded!" |
02 |
03 | Screen = Workspace.TheScreen.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text |
04 |
05 | while true do |
06 | Screen = "Donuts and coffee, at their best." |
07 | Wait( 7 ) |
08 | Screen = "Scrumptious, Delectable donuts!" |
09 | Wait( 7 ) |
10 | Screen = "Welcome to the interview office!" |
11 | Wait( 7 ) |
12 | Screen = "We wish you good luck at your interview!" |
13 | Wait( 7 ) |
14 |
15 | end |
It does not work and I need help.
01 | print "Screen Changer Loaded!" |
02 |
03 | local screen = game.Workspace.TheScreen.SurfaceGui.TextLabel |
04 |
05 | while true do |
06 | screen.Text = "Donuts and coffee, at their best." |
07 | wait( 7 ) |
08 | screen.Text = "Scrumptious, Delectable donuts!" |
09 | wait( 7 ) |
10 | screen.Text = "Welcome to the interview office!" |
11 | wait( 7 ) |
12 | screen.Text = "We wish you good luck at your interview!" |
13 | wait( 7 ) |
14 | end |
If you want it in a table, so you can easily edit/add in extra phrases; similar to an admin list!
01 | print "Screen Changer Loaded!" |
02 |
03 | local scr = game.Workspace.TheScreen.SurfaceGui.TextLabel |
04 | wordsToSay = { "Donuts and coffee, at their best." , "Scrumptious, Delectable donuts!" , "Welcome to the interview office!" , "We wish you good luck at your interview!" } |
05 |
06 | while true do |
07 | for i = 1 , #wordsToSay do |
08 | scr.Text = wordsToSay [ i ] |
09 | wait( 7 ) |
10 | end |
11 | end |
you to set it as:
01 | print "Screen Changer Loaded!" |
02 | Screen.text = Workspace.TheScreen.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text |
03 | while true do |
04 | Screen.text = "Donuts and coffee, at their best." |
05 | Wait( 7 ) |
06 | Screen.text = "Scrumptious, Delectable donuts!" |
07 | Wait( 7 ) |
08 | Screen.text = "Welcome to the interview office!" |
09 | Wait( 7 ) |
10 | Screen.text = "We wish you good luck at your interview!" |
11 | Wait( 7 ) |
if this doesnt work change .text to .Text
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