ya i know its a pretty long scirpt but i hope its somewhere inthere i can find where or you guys can find where start money is?
local StatList = {} local StatNames = {} -- An array of stat names in order of the stats' creation. local StatCategories = {} -- name->category map local StatCount = {} -- Counts number of stats per category local StatChanged = CreateSignal() function AddStat(name, category, value) if not StatCount[category] then StatCount[category] = 1 else StatCount[category] = StatCount[category] + 1 end local stat = Instance.new('StringValue') stat.Name = name if value then stat.Value = value end StatList[name] = stat StatCategories[name] = category table.insert(StatNames, name) stat.Changed:connect(function() StatChanged:fire(name, stat.Value) end) end function SetStat(name, value) StatList[name].Value = value end function EachStatSorted(f) for _, name in pairs(StatNames) do f(name) end end function EachStat(f) for name, stat in pairs(StatList) do f(name) end end function UpdateGui(gui) for name, stat in pairs(StatList) do gui.MainFrame.StatsFrame[name].Text = name..": "..stat.Value end end StatChanged:connect(function() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if PlayerData[player] and PlayerData[player].Gui then UpdateGui(PlayerData[player].Gui) end end end) } local COOKIE_OVERLAY_TYPES = { {name = "Touch Enabled", description = "Touch Enabled Users", color = Color3.new(0,0,1), appliesToPlayer = function(player) local pingScript = script:FindFirstChild('TouchEnabledFor' .. player.Name) if pingScript then return pingScript.Value else return false end end}; {name = "Friends", description = "Friend's of Quenty", color = Color3.new(0,1,0), appliesToPlayer = function(Player) return Player:IsFriendsWith(4397833); end}; {name = "Personal Admins", description = "Quenty's Administrators in the game", color = Color3.new(0,1,0), appliesToPlayer = function(Player) return Player:IsFriendsWith(27046451); end} } local CookieHistogram = CreateHistogram('CookieHistogram', "Cash on leave", "% of Users", MEASURED_COOKIES, function(label) return LeaveCount end, COOKIE_OVERLAY_TYPES, "Cookie Data") local CookieHistogram2 = CreateHistogram('CookieHistogram', "Cash on enter", "% of Users", MEASURED_COOKIES, function(label) return LeaveCount end, COOKIE_OVERLAY_TYPES, "Cookie Data") table.insert(HISTOGRAMS, CookieHistogram) table.insert(HISTOGRAMS, CookieHistogram2) local function setup(player) print("Setup "..player.Name) local l = Instance.new("IntValue",player) l.Name = "leaderstats" local Cookies = Instance.new("NumberValue",l) Cookies.Name = "Cash" local function HandleItem(Item) Spawn(function() if Item:IsA("IntValue") then if Item.Name == "Authorize" then if Cookies.Value + Item.Value >= 0 then --wait(0) Item.Name = "Authorized"; Cookies.Value = Cookies.Value + Item.Value; else --wait(0) Item.Name = "NotAuthorized"; end elseif Item.Name == "Add" then Cookies.Value = Cookies.Value + Item.Value; wait(0) Item:Destroy() else print("[Queue] - Unidentified "..Item.Name.." in leaderstats cookies") end end end) end local Updating = false; local function StartUpdate() if not Updating then Updating = true; local Children = Cookies:GetChildren() while #Children > 0 do for _, Child in pairs(Children) do HandleItem(Child) end wait(0.2); Children = Cookies:GetChildren(); end Updating = false; end end Cookies.ChildAdded:connect(function(Item) StartUpdate() end) if player.Name == "Player1" then Cookies.Value = 100000000000; end local PlayerCookieSheet = GetPlayerCookieSheet(player) if not PlayerCookieSheet then PlayerCookieSheet = AssignPlayerCookieSheet(player) end local ShieldTime = Instance.new("IntValue",player) ShieldTime.Name = "ShieldTime" ShieldTime.Value = 600; Spawn(function() while ShieldTime do if ShieldTime.Value >= 1 then ShieldTime.Value = ShieldTime.Value - 1 if ShieldTime.Value == 0 then PlayerCookieSheet.ShieldEnabled.Value = false; end end wait(1) end end) local UpgradeDataObjects = {} local UpgradeData = Instance.new("Configuration", player) UpgradeData.Name = "UpgradeCountData"; for _, Upgrade in pairs(ScriptRunningUpgrades) do local UpgradeCount = Instance.new("IntValue", UpgradeData) UpgradeCount.Name = Upgrade.Name UpgradeCount.Value = 1; UpgradeDataObjects[#UpgradeDataObjects+1] = UpgradeCount end
With this code, you'd start with 0. You're going to have to add code instead of changing it. On line 86, put:
Cookies.Value = 1000
This will set the start cookies to 1000, change 1000 to any number you like!