i know soem people will say tp put the health to 999999, but someones ganna want to challenge the npc until its 99999 health is down, so will i have to use a debounce oris it a humanoid property?
I think your best bet is to make it simply unkillable. So once its health becomes lower than its maximum, it becomes the maximum.
1 | ------ You have not showed your code, so I cannot really start this off. Add a "local Character = way to the humanoid's parent" |
2 | local human = Character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ) |
3 | human.HealthChanged:connect( function (health) |
4 | wait() |
5 | human.Health = human.MaxHealth |
6 | end |
There might be an error, I'm not sure. I just made this and did not test in studio. Make sure the Max Health is something that is high enough, so it cannot be one shot killed.
There is a point where the numbers can't go any higher in ROBLOX so not exactly.