I can't find these bugs, hoping you guys will be able to. This is in a Local Script, in the Player's PlayerGui
A - It won't show notes upon aiming at doors, though if E is press, acts like normal (Still no note) B - Won't Examine objects
Here is an image of the Hierarchy - http://prntscr.com/3cg8fm
wait(.1) local Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until Player.Character and Player.PlayerGui local Camera=workspace.CurrentCamera local Mouse=Player:GetMouse() local Gui=Instance.new("ScreenGui",Player.PlayerGui) Gui.Name="Target" local T=Instance.new("TextLabel",Gui) T.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,.035,0) T.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,.7,0) T.Text="" T.TextColor3=Color3.new(255,255,255) T.TextWrapped=true T.TextScaled=true T.BackgroundTransparency=1 local Enabled=true local Crouching=false Player.CameraMode="LockFirstPerson" Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=12 for i,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName=="Part" then v.Transparency=1 elseif v.ClassName=="Pants" or v.ClassName=="Shirt" or v.ClassName=="Hat" or v.ClassName=="CharacterMesh" then v.Parent=nil end end Mouse.Move:connect(function() local Target=Mouse.Target if Target~=nil then Target=Target.Parent if Target==nil then return end Target=Target.Parent if Target==nil then return end local Mag=9 if Target.Name=="Door" then Mag=(Player.Character.Torso.Position-Target.Main.Position).magnitude elseif Target.Name=="Examine" then Mag=(Player.Character.Torso.Position-Target.Body.Torso.Position).magnitude end if Mag<=8 then if Target.Name~="Examine" and Target.Name~="Door" then return end if Enabled==false then return end if Target.Name=="Examine" and Target.Examinable.Value==false then return end T.Text="Press E to "..Target.Type.Value.."..." elseif Mag>8 then if Enabled==false then return end T.Text="" end elseif Target==nil then if Enabled==false then return end T.Text="" end end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k) k=k:lower() if k=="e" then if Enabled==false then return end local Target=Mouse.Target if Target==nil then return end Target=Target.Parent if Target==nil then return end local Mag=9 if Target.Name=="Door" then Mag=(Player.Character.Torso.Position-Target.Main.Position).magnitude elseif Target.Name=="Examine" then Mag=(Player.Character.Torso.Position-Target.Body.Torso.Position).magnitude end local N=Target.Parent.Name if Mag<=8 then if N=="Examine" then Target=Target.Parent if Target.Examinable.Value==false then return end Enabled=false Camera.CameraType="Scriptable" Camera.CameraSubject=Target Camera.CoordinateFrame=Target.Cam.CFrame Camera.Focus=Target.Body.Torso.CFrame Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=0 T.Text=Target.Text.Value for i,v in pairs(Target.Items:GetChildren()) do local C=game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(v.Value) if C~=nil then C=C:Clone() local C1=C:Clone() C.Parent=Player.StarterGear C1.Parent=Player.Backpack for k,l in pairs(C:GetChildren()) do if l.ClassName=="Part" then l.Anchored=false end end for k,l in pairs(C1:GetChildren()) do if l.ClassName=="Part" then l.Anchored=false end end end v.Parent=nil end Target.Rem.Parent=nil wait(2) Camera.CameraType="Custom" Camera.CameraSubject=Player.Character.Humanoid Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=12 T.Text="" Target.Examinable.Value=false Enabled=true elseif Target.Name=="Door" then if Target.Lock.Value==true then Enabled=false T.Text="This door is locked! Find a key to open it." wait(2) Enabled=true return end if Target.Open.Value==true then return end Target.Open.Value=true for i=1,78 do wait() Target.Main.CFrame=Target.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,-.1,0) end wait(2) for i=1,78 do wait() Target.Main.CFrame=Target.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,.1,0) end wait(1) Target.Open.Value=false end end elseif k=="c" then if Crouching==false then --_G.Crouch(true) Crouching=true elseif Crouching==true then --_G.Crouch(false) Crouching=false end end end) Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() local Target=Mouse.Target if Target==nil then return end Target=Target.Parent if Target==nil then return end Target=Target.Parent if Target==nil then return end if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Key") then if Target.Name=="Door" then if Target.Lock.Value==true then if Player.Character.Key.Handle.BrickColor==Target.DoorColor.Value then Enabled=false T.Text="Successfully opened door!" Target.Lock.Value=false Player.Character.Key.Parent=nil wait(1.5) Enabled=true T.Text="" elseif Player.Character.Key.Handle.BrickColor~=Target.DoorColor.Value then Enabled=false T.Text="This key does not fit the keyhole!" wait(1.5) Enabled=true T.Text="" end end end end end)
Every change I made:
wait(0.1) local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until Player.Character and Player.PlayerGui local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local Gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) Gui.Name = "Target" local T = Instance.new("TextLabel", Gui) T.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.035, 0) T.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.7, 0) T.Text = "" T.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) T.TextWrapped = true T.TextScaled = true T.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local Enabled = true local Crouching = false Player.CameraMode = "LockFirstPerson" Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 12 for i,v in pairs(Player.Character:children()) do if v.ClassName == "Part" then v.Transparency = 1 elseif v.ClassName == "Pants" or v.ClassName == "Shirt" or v.ClassName == "Hat" or v.ClassName == "CharacterMesh" then v.Parent = nil end end Mouse.Move:connect(function() local Target = Mouse.Target if Target then Target = Target.Parent if not Target then return end Target = Target.Parent if not Target then return end local Mag = 9 if Target.Name == "Door" then Mag = (Player.Character.Torso.Position - Target.Main.Position).magnitude elseif Target.Name == "Examine" then Mag = (Player.Character.Torso.Position - Target.Body.Torso.Position).magnitude end if Mag <= 8 then if Target.Name ~= "Examine" and Target.Name ~= "Door" then return end if Target.Name == "Examine" and not Target.Examinable.Value then return end if not Enabled then return end T.Text = "Press E to " .. Target.Type.Value .. "..." elseif Mag > 8 then T.Text = "" end elseif not Target then if not Enabled then return end T.Text = "" end end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k) k = k:lower() if k == "e" then if not Enabled then return end local Target = Mouse.Target if not Target then return end Target = Target.Parent if not Target then return end local Mag = 9 if Target.Name == "Door" or Target.Name == "Examine" then Mag = (Player.Character.Torso.Position - Target.Main.Position).magnitude end local N = Target.Parent.Name if Mag <= 8 then if N == "Examine" then Target = Target.Parent if not Target.Examinable.Value then return end Enabled = false Camera.CameraType = "Scriptable" Camera.CameraSubject = Target Camera.CoordinateFrame = Target.Cam.CFrame Camera.Focus = Target.Body.Torso.CFrame Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 T.Text = Target.Text.Value for i,v in pairs(Target.Items:GetChildren()) do local C = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(v.Value) if C ~= nil then C = C:clone() local C1 = C:clone() C.Parent = Player.StarterGear C1.Parent = Player.Backpack for k, l in pairs(C:children()) do if l.ClassName == "Part" then l.Anchored = false end end for k, l in pairs(C1:children()) do if l.ClassName == "Part" then l.Anchored = false end end end v.Parent = nil end Target.Rem.Parent = nil wait(2) Camera.CameraType = "Custom" Camera.CameraSubject = Player.Character.Humanoid Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 12 T.Text = "" Target.Examinable.Value = false Enabled = true elseif Target.Name == "Door" then if Target.Lock.Value == true then Enabled = false T.Text = "This door is locked! Find a key to open it." wait(2) Enabled = true return end if Target.Open.Value == true then return end Target.Open.Value = true for i = 1,78 do wait() Target.Main.CFrame = Target.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -0.1, 0) end wait(2) for i = 1,78 do wait() Target.Main.CFrame = Target.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0.1, 0) end wait(1) Target.Open.Value = false end end elseif k == "c" then if Crouching == false then --_G.Crouch(true) Crouching = true elseif Crouching == true then --_G.Crouch(false) Crouching = false end end end) Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() local Target = Mouse.Target if not Target then return end Target = Target.Parent.Parent if not Target then return end if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Key") then if Target.Name == "Door" then if Target.Lock.Value then if Player.Character.Key.Handle.BrickColor == Target.DoorColor.Value then Enabled = false T.Text = "Successfully opened door!" Target.Lock.Value = false Player.Character.Key.Parent = nil wait(1.5) Enabled = true T.Text = "" elseif Player.Character.Key.Handle.BrickColor ~= Target.DoorColor.Value then Enabled = false T.Text = "This key does not fit the keyhole!" wait(1.5) Enabled = true T.Text = "" end end end end end)
Is it possible that it's not the script, and just your setup of the hierarchy? (That a value is false when it should be true by default, or vice versa)
It looks like the code SHOULD work. The best way to debug is to add print("Test #[NUMBER]")
or something like that, to see where it doesn't go when it should.