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What might keep a script running even when the script is no longer there?

Asked by 8 years ago

I've had this issue a few times, and I'm wondering what might keep it running, even when I remove the script.

I've actually had this problem. It might have to do with StarterPack, if that's what you're using. User#11440 120 — 8y
No, it's not. What happens is, the script is duplicated from ServerStorage and placed into workspace, then disabled is false, and the script runs. Once it's finished, the script is removed but the game still runs as if the script is still there. Also, do you know anyway around duplicating and removing the script? I feel like that's kind of unneccessary, or that I could be more organized with it. Ethan_Waike 156 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

might be your plugins your using. Try going through old ones and ones that might look suspicious. I hade that problem, and it was infecting my game with lag scripts


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