I used the Roblox CTF Template and i made multiple Maps on it, I dont know how to alternate the map, Basicly There is an Intermission that Runs, And after the intermission the game starts, I need to know how to alternate the Game Map After the Game time and before the Intermission!
local GameManager = require(script.GameManager) GameManager:Initialize() while true do repeat GameManager:RunIntermission() until GameManager:GameReady() GameManager:StopIntermission() GameManager:StartRound() repeat GameManager:Update() wait() until GameManager:RoundOver() GameManager:RoundCleanup() end
This Basicly is the Main Game Code, Which runs and Repets itself, I need help on the Map changing code, and where to put it!
So what I have here is a "MainScript" (I call my scripts that controls the whole game MainScripts") and it basically has the following (In chronological order):
(By the way, I think you guys will disagree with this. This is how I found out how to make "event" games.)
-- MAIN VARIBLES -- local musicstorage = game.Workspace.Music --If you want music ingame local intermissionsong = musicstorage.IntermissionMusic --If you want music in intermission local h = game.Workspace.Hint -- Status of game (Intermission, InGame) local mapstorage = game.ServerStorage.Maps -- STARTING GAME -- -- MAP 1: GRASSLANDS -- while true do h.Text = "Starting a new round in 30 seconds." wait(30) intermissionsong.Music1:Stop() h.Text = "Loading a new map! MapNameHere." wait(1) mapstorage.MapNameHere:clone().Parent = game.Workspace wait(5) h.Text = "Finished Loading MapNameHere. Map Created by BARBARIAN59." wait(5) h.Text = "Teleporting Players..." wait(1) target = CFrame.new(0,0,0) -- When they teleport to the map, this is the position where they tele for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then player.Character.Torso.CFrame = target + Vector3.new(0, i * 5, 0) end end wait(2) h.Text = "3..." wait(1) h.Text = "2.." wait(1) h.Text = "1." wait(1) h.Text = "BATTLE!" musicstorage.GameMusic.Music1:Play() wait(300) --300 seconds = 5 minutes h.Text = "Time is up!" musicstorage.GameMusic.Music1:Stop() wait(1) h.Text = "Teleporting all players back to the lobby." wait(0.5) intermissionsong.Music1:Play() target = CFrame.new(0,0,0) --"ToLobbyBrick" for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then player.Character.Torso.CFrame = target + Vector3.new(0, i * 5, 0) end end wait(2) game.Workspace.MapNameHere:remove() wait(1)
once you finish that, just copy and paste this, and i think you know what parts to edit!
(BTW this is my first time here :P)