My RemoteEvent only prints what I want in Solo mode, How do I fix this?
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8 years ago Edited 8 years ago
Please provide more explanation in your question. If you explain exactly what you are trying to accomplish, it will be much easier to answer your question correctly.
Here is the local script
01 | local Gui = script.Parent |
02 | local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | Gui.BackgroundColor 3 = Color 3. new ( 0 , 151 / 255 , 111 / 255 ) |
06 | if Gui.BackgroundColor 3 = = Color 3. new ( 0 , 151 / 255 , 111 / 255 ) then |
07 | Gui.BackgroundColor 3 = Color 3. new( 208 / 255 , 174 / 255 , 0 ) |
10 | Gui.BackgroundColor 3 = Color 3. new( 1 , 6 / 255 , 26 / 255 ) |
11 | local k = game.ReplicatedStorage.IDCard:Clone() |
12 | k.Parent = player.Backpack |
13 | game.Workspace.MyServerEvent:FireServer() |
16 | game.Workspace.MyServerEvent:FireServer() |
17 | Gui.BackgroundColor 3 = Color 3. new( 1 , 6 / 255 , 26 / 255 ) |
22 | Gui.MouseButton 1 Down:connect(sw) |
23 | game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect( function (player) |
24 | if player.Backpack.IDCard = = "k" then |
25 | Gui.BackgroundColor 3 = Color 3. new( 0 , 152 / 255 , 111 / 255 ) |
Here is the other script
1 | local event = "RemoteEvent" ) |
2 | event.Parent = game.Workspace |
3 | event.Name = "MyServerEvent" |
4 | event.OnServerEvent:connect( function () |
5 | game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextButtonss.BackgroundColor 3 = Color 3. new( 1 , 6 / 255 , 26 / 255 ) |
6 | print ( "Color has been changed in the server" ) |
What I'm trying to do ,is, when a player clicks on the textbutton they receive a key and the textbutton gui turns red for the WHOLE SERVER, so everyone knows that the room is booked out.