I am looking for a script that I can copy and paste over and over again to create a question bank
So I want a script like that says pick 1 to 100 (There Will Be 100 questions and each one will be numbered) And it says that question in a Message. Then I want it to Make a certain part so that you can fall through it. (TRUE OR FALSE GAME)
So it wud be like this is english
Pick a number 1 to 100
Find question associated with that number
m = "Question here"
Game.workspace.parthere.cancollide = false
Then it would pick another number and be on a loop
questions={ { "What color is blue?", -- question "Blue" -- answer }, { "What is (e^(2ix)-1)/(2ie^(ix))?", "sin(x)" } } local Q,A=unpack(questions[math.random(1,#questions)])
Format questions and answers like that to keep the numerical indices. Q is the question, A is the answer. A question can have only one answer.
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