I'm using a billboardgui as a ingame menu, and I am trying to get it to adornee to the torso.
1 | local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
2 | local BBGui = Instance.new( "BillboardGui" , player.PlayerGui) |
3 | local frame = Instance.new( "Frame" , player.PlayerGui.BillboardGui) |
4 | local GGOBillboardGui = player.PlayerGui.BillboardGui |
5 |
6 | GGOBillboardGui.Adornee = player.Character.Torso |
Even though it says that it is adornee to the torso, it just not appearing? Frame's visible is on.
Please help?
Objects inserted through Advanced Objects have different default properties than objects created with Instance.new(). Even though inserting a Frame through Advanced Objects gives you one with a Size of 0,100, 0,100, creating a Frame with Instance.new() gives you one that's at Size 0,0, 0,0. You need to set the size to something other than 0 to get it to appear.