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How do I change the text of a textbox to the value of a variable?

Asked by
Kitorari 266 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

I'm attempting to change Workspace.Scorekeeper,SurfaceGui.Frame.Round1's text to the score value Score=0 to 90

But my attempts have failed.

How exactly do I change the text of a textbox to something else? Attempt:

1If Workspace.PartScoreboard.SurfaceGui.Frame.Pin1.Backgroundcolor3 =, 0, 1) ((score))
Text is a property, like Backgroundcolor3. Therefore, gui.Text = textvar. Of course, textvar needs to be a string (or convertable into a string, such as a number). GoldenPhysics 474 — 8y
You also need two == and lowercase if and a then. User#11440 120 — 8y

2 answers

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Answered by
Validark 1580 Snack Break Moderation Voter
8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

Lua is case sensitive, so you need to be careful. if should always be lowercase. To access the Workspace, the following are acceptable:


BackgroundColor3 should always have proper case as well:

As GoldenPhysics stated, Text is a writable property. That means you can set it using =. The only time you can't set properties is if they are read-only.

You should also make sure that your conditionals are formatted as such:

1if (_____) then
2    -- Code if ____ is true
4    -- Code if ____ is false

To check if something is the same as something else you can use ==

1local num = 2
2if 2 == num then
3    print("num is 2")
5    print("num is not 2")

Here's the finished product:

1if workspace.PartScoreboard.SurfaceGui.Frame.Pin1.BackgroundColor3 ==, 0, 1) then
2    workspace.Scorekeeper.SurfaceGui.frame.Round1.Text = score
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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

Text is a Property

Text is a property of a GuiObject, just like BackgroundColor3, Position, and Size.

Literal string

Therefore, to set it, just get the property of the gui guiObject.Text and set it equal to the string you want .

1guiObject.Text = "the score is 5"

Non-string conversion to string

It is also possible to use non-strings if they will automatically convert to a string, such as numbers, or if manually set to a string using the tostring() method.

1guiObject.Text = 5

Using variables

Variables can be used to store a string or non-string as described.

1local score = 5
2guiObject.Text = score

Concatenation and string manipulation

Additionally, string manipulation - frequently concatenation - can be used.

1local score = 5
2guiObject.Text = "The score is: " .. score

Or, with another variable:

1local score = 5
2local scorePrefix = "The score is: "
4guiObject.Text = scorePrefix .. score

The Final Result

1local frame = workspace.PartScoreboard.SurfaceGui.Frame --the path of the frame storing the guis
2local score = 5 --the score, updated in other code
4if frame.Pin1.BackgroundColor3 ==, 0, 1) then --the conditional, as given, debugged
5    frame.Round1.Text = score --the assignment of the text

It is important to use conditional statements (ifs) correctly. All keywords are lowercase (if not If), double equals == is used to compare while singe equals= is used for assignment, and all ifs require then to close the conditional.

That was slightly confusing, but thank you for you're answer ^^' Kitorari 266 — 8y

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