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How can I code this when I join my game I get certain gear?

Asked by 7 years ago

How would I code this when I join my game I get certain gear? Not starter pack so everyone gets it, just me . And aswell gives 2 or 3 other people gear?

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if player.Name == "EnterYourNameHere" then game.Whereeveryoustoredit.thing:Clone().Parent = player end end)

This isn't a request website, stop giving out false reputation to people who shouldn't get it Warfaresh0t 414 — 7y

3 answers

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Answered by 7 years ago

I don't usually like giving out script but this one is simple to do.

I would not use the players name as you can change them which would be bad, instead use their player id.

local gear = game:GetService('ServerStorage'):WaitForChild('Gear name ect')
local plrList = { 
    -- list of player id

    local uId = plr.UserId -- the players id

    for i,v in pairs(plrList) do
        -- now we check the user id agains our list
        if v == uId then clnGear(plr:WaitForChild('Backpack')) break end-- the break will exit this loop


-- a simple clone function to give the gear to the player
function clnGear(plrBackpack)
    local tmp = gear:Clone() -- make a clone
    tmp.Parent = plrBackpack -- give It to the player

There are better ways of doing and I would not do it this way. This is only an example script, hope this helps.

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Answered by
FiredDusk 1466 Moderation Voter
7 years ago

The only problem is, you can't store a tool or gear in the 'player' sooo.. Behind player you add .Backpack. Sorry is code looks bad, on tablet.

    if player.Name == "EnterYourNameHere" then.      game.Whereeveryoustoredit.thing:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Needed to add that.
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Answered by
Uglypoe 557 Donator Moderation Voter
7 years ago

kingdom5's answer was decent, but I think he should've used a Dictionary instead of a Table, so I wrote my own script for you. I included comments to help guide you on how it works.

local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local GearToGive = ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("") -- Put the name of the gear here, and place the gear in serverstorage

--// Add the PlayerIDs of people you want to get the gear in this list:
local AllowedPlayers = {
    [70685745] = true,
    [15631081] = true,

--// If the backpack wasn't immediately ready, this method will wait until it is
function getBackpack(Player)
    repeat until Player.ChildAdded:wait().Name == "Backpack"
    return Player["Backpack"]

    if AllowedPlayers[Player.UserId] then
            local Backpack = Player.Backpack or getBackpack(Player) -- Get the backpack if it's ready, or wait until it is
            GearToGive:Clone().Parent = Backpack

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