Okay, so let me expand more on what the question really means, because it's not too clear.
I'm trying to do something like this:
1 | humanoid:MoveTo(Vector 3. new( 0 , 0 , 0 )) |
however the MoveTo method requires me to make the second argument a part when I don't actually have a part to make it.
How would I go about doing this?
The second part describes the tracking-motion of the green-circle walking method (which I'm not even sure remains as a control, I don't think it does).
So for normal purposes, any static (non-moving) part will work.
This includes, for instance, Instance.new("Part")
, or if you don't like that, just use the Baseplate or some other static part.
I think you can set the part to the torso.
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