I really want to start a new dream, become a professional programmer. But I don't know where to start! If someone can give me like a wesbite or like a tip, I would really appreciate it.
About Lua
To learn Lua, the best place would be the official Lua Documentation website:
It should always be your first destination when looking for information about a standard Lua function.
About programming in general
If you wish to become a professional programmer, you should probably look into various college formations first. It would also be a good idea to look into programming languages rather than scripting languages, like Lua, and to learn the inner workings of a computer.
A good programming language to learn first would be C
. C
is a very powerful language that was first written by two gentlemen named Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan back in 1989. It is still one of the most used programming languages today. Back in its day, it was considered a high-level language, but today I think it could be considered a low-level language.
Low-level languages tend to be harder to learn but much more powerful as they get closer and closer to the machine itself. High-level languages, in contrast, are easy to learn and use but tend to be less efficient and don't allow to do as much as a low-level language. The lowest level language there is would be pure binary, which, lets face it, would be impossible for any sane person to directly write a program in. Just above it are what we call assembly languages. Scripting languages are generally high-level.
Being a relatively low-level language, learning C should at the same time encourage you to learn a bit about computers themselves.
You might also have heard of C++
, which is sort of an extension of C, although I would advise against learning it as your first language. Another good option would be Java
, which is kind of similar to C++, but much more user-friendly in my opinion, since it is a high-level language.
Hope that helped. :)
https://scriptinghelpers.org/questions/31612/how-long-did-it-take-you-to-learn-roblox-lua-on-your-own#34761 This is my answer
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