I have the code finished and the sword sounds work but the animation won't load: Animation failed to load : Workspace.Player1.ClassicSword.OverheadAnim I can't figure out what is wrong. Any help is great
sp.Activated:connect(function() local clickdelta = tick() - lastclick -- time difference between the first time you clicked and now if clickdelta > swingtime then -- Makes sure the player doesn't swing before the Swing time has passed lastclick = tick() hithumanoids = {} --Empty list of players that were hit in one swing, Each person hit will be added to the list. this is to make sure a single swing doesn't count at 2+ hits if clickdelta < swingtime + combowindow then -- if the time is less then the swing time + the Combow time then it will advance to the next combow combo = (combo + 1) % 3 -- Increses the combo by one and when the combo becomes 3, Sets it to 0 else combo = 0 end if player then if combo == 0 then event:FireClient(player, "RunAnimation", "OverheadAnim") SlashSound:Play() elseif combo == 1 then event:FireClient(player, "RunAnimation", "OverheadAnim") LungeSound:Play() elseif combo == 2 then event:FireClient(player, "RunAnimation", "OverheadAnim") UnsheathSound:Play() end end end end)
event.OnClientEvent:connect(function(...) local tuple = {...} if tuple[1] == "RunAnimation" then local anim = sp:FindFirstChild(tuple[2]) if anim and humanoid then local loadedanim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) if loadedanim then loadedanim:Play() end end end end)
Make sure you export the animation to ROBLOX and perhaps add a wait() at the start of the script
Avectus good point he really forgot to add the wait() there, you see wait() can be very useful sometimes. On the wiki it describes what it does, and you should know since it's very easy. Preloading animations is useful.