01 | function tween(part,pos,tim,stop) --stuff |
02 | local function stuff() --for the stopige |
03 | local runs = 100 --smoooth |
04 | local ToTake = runs*. 03 --time it will take |
05 | if ToTake>tim then |
06 | repeat |
07 | runs = runs- 1 |
08 | ToTake = runs*. 03 |
09 | until ToTake<tim --gets closer to tim |
10 | else |
11 | repeat |
12 | runs = runs+ 1 |
13 | ToTake = runs*. 03 |
14 | until ToTake>tim |
15 | end |
The above is a moduleScript. The purpose of it is to smoooooothly move parts. It works fine, but if I do something like this.
1 | p 1 = game.Workspace:WaitForChild( "Part" ) |
2 | p 2 = game.Workspace:WaitForChild( "Part2" ) |
3 | tween = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.tweens) |
4 |
5 | start = tick() |
6 | tween(p 1 ,p 2. CFrame, 10 , true ) --it has to pause here |
7 | print (tick()-start) --print 11.3 |
So, does anybody know how I could improve the accuracy of the time?
You have the right idea with the lerp function. The goal here is to get a value between 0 and 1 and have it correlate to the time it should take for the entire tween to complete.
In my opinion the easiest way to do this is to get the tick when the tween is started and then find the difference in time after you wait or do a renderstep, etc.
So for example:
01 | function tween(part, goal, finalt) |
02 | local origin = part.CFrame; -- where we start from |
03 | local start = tick(); -- the initial tick we compare to |
04 | local dt = 0 ; -- the change in time from initial tick until now |
05 | while dt < finalt do |
06 | dt = tick() - start; -- update out time change |
07 | part.CFrame = origin:lerp(goal, dt/finalt); -- get as percentage |
08 | wait(); -- or renderstepped, etc... |
09 | end ; |
10 | part.CFrame = goal; -- set it at the end to be precise |
11 | end ; |
12 |
13 | -- example |
14 | local s = tick(); |
15 | tween(game.Workspace.Part, CFrame.new(), 3 ); |
16 | print (tick() - s); |