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Roblox Code Works In Studio but not in Online Play Mode?

Asked by 8 years ago

So I'm developing a game where I have a gun tool and a gun model. The gun models spawn on transparent bricks across the map. I have disabled backpack and added a custom gui to house the guns you pick up. Basically the gun model has a click detector and a regular script that goes like this.

Gun = game.ServerStorage.Guns[script.Parent.Name]:Clone(); this = script.Parent; function onClicked(playerWhoClicked) local Backpacknum = playerWhoClicked.Backpack:GetChildren(); if (#Backpacknum >= 2)then playerWhoClicked.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TMWError.Visible = true; return; end local Gun1var = playerWhoClicked.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.InventoryGui.Screen.Gun1; local Gun2var = playerWhoClicked.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.InventoryGui.Screen.Gun2; local Gun1dec = playerWhoClicked.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.InventoryGui.Screen.Gun1Dec; local Gun2dec = playerWhoClicked.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.InventoryGui.Screen.Gun2Dec; if (Gun1var.Value == "" and Gun2var.Value == "")then Gun1var.Value = script.Parent.Name; Gun1dec.Value = script.Parent.GunDecal.Value; elseif (Gun1var.Value ~= "" and Gun2var.Value == "") then Gun2var.Value = script.Parent.Name; Gun2dec.Value = script.Parent.GunDecal.Value; elseif (Gun2var.Value ~= "" and Gun1var.Value == "") then Gun1var.Value = script.Parent.Name; Gun1dec.Value = script.Parent.GunDecal.Value; end Gun.Parent = playerWhoClicked.Backpack; this:Destroy(); end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)

This code is the script when you pick up or click the model of the weapon on the ground. Keep in mind this is a model and not a tool and this script is in all of the weapon models in the game. To help you understand the code above, in the gui there is two variables that stores the name of the gun model to display in the gui. Basically all this does is when you pick it up it determines what variables are empty and which one to put it in. This code works in the beginning when you pick up the model but when you drop the weapon and try to pick it back up essentially it doesn't launch the script inside the model.

Drop Weapon Code(Local Script):

GunPic1 = script.Parent.Gun1Dec;
GunPic2 = script.Parent.Gun2Dec;
GunImgLbl1 = script.Parent.GunImg1;
GunImgLbl2 = script.Parent.GunImg2;
GunLbl1 = script.Parent.GunLabel1;
GunLbl2 = script.Parent.GunLabel2;
DropBut1 = script.Parent.GunDrop1;
DropBut2 = script.Parent.GunDrop2;
Gun1 = script.Parent.Gun1;
Gun2 = script.Parent.Gun2;
Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer;
GunAmmo1 = script.Parent.AmmoLabel1;
GunAmmo2 = script.Parent.AmmoLabel2;
Desc1 = script.Parent.Desc1;
Desc2 = script.Parent.Desc2;

    if (Gun1.Value ~= "") then
        local FindWeapon = game.ReplicatedStorage.GunModel:FindFirstChild(Gun1.Value):Clone();
        local BackPackWepFind = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(Gun1.Value);
        GunPic1.Value = "";
        GunImgLbl1.Image = "";
        Gun1.Value = "";
        Desc1.Text = "";
        GunAmmo1.Text = "";
        GunLbl1.Text = "";
        FindWeapon.Parent = workspace;
        FindWeapon:MoveTo(Player.Character["Left Leg"].Position);

    if (Gun2.Value ~= "") then
        local FindWeapon = game.ReplicatedStorage.GunModel:FindFirstChild(Gun2.Value):Clone();
        local BackPackWepFind = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(Gun2.Value);
        GunPic2.Value = "";
        GunImgLbl2.Image = "";
        Gun2.Value = "";
        Desc2.Text = "";
        GunAmmo2.Text = "";
        GunLbl2.Text = "";
        FindWeapon.Parent = workspace;
        FindWeapon:MoveTo(Player.Character["Right Leg"].Position);

Basically on the gui that houses all the guns, are two drop buttons. When you click either drop button it basically looks at that variable that houses the gun names and finds the model with the click detector in the replicated storage and clones it and drops it at the characters legs. While it does this it deletes the tool of the gun in the players backpack aswell essentially dropping the gun. The drop function works just fine.

So on the studio mode this code all works just fine. I can pick up, drop, pick up again any other weapon, however in online play it doesn't work at all. However even in online play the M4A1 gun I have I'm able to pick it up, drop it, and pick it up again for some odd reason. Even though the code is exactly the same and is no special than any of the other guns.

If you made it this far I'd like to thank you for taking the time out to read this all. This bug is literally game breaking and I'm at the point where I can't fix it myself and need outside help desperately.

Go online, press F9 and send us error messages if there are any LittleBigDeveloper 245 — 8y
No error messages, if there was I probably wouldn't be on this website. momkid6 5 — 8y
Are you using FilteringEnabled? Try placing prints at several parts of the script and see where they stop. M39a9am3R 3210 — 8y
I don't think I'm using filtering enabled. I put a print function that says Hi at the start of the pick up function. When I play it in studio mode it says hi only when I drop the weapon not if I pick it up. In online mode it doesn't say hi at all. momkid6 5 — 8y
Another thing I noticed when I did the online test mode in studio. In the workspace inside the model client side has the script in it, server side workspace does not have the script in it. momkid6 5 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by
AmWrath 41
8 years ago

Try the following ~

When you first define "Player" make it

local Player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer

When you first define "Character" do

local Character = Player.CharacterAdded:wait()
You can't use LocalPlayer in server scripts... M39a9am3R 3210 — 8y
Nope momkid6 5 — 8y

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