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Rotating a model? [closed]

Asked by
Cuvette 246 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

So I've finally figured out how to move a model but now i'm having a bit of trouble rotating it, here is my code so far, if you got any ideas that would be great!

local movearea = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.BoundingArea
Parts = player:LoadInstance("BuildingBricks11")
Parts.PrimaryPart = Parts.BoundingBox
local rotatedCFrame = Parts:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(movearea.Rotation.Y), 0) -- This is what i'm stuck on
Parts.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.SavedObjects

I know it's just a variable but i'm quite unsure on how to execute it

All you have to do is set the rotated CFrame with SetPrimaryPartCFrame BlackJPI 2658 — 8y
Yeah just as you sent that I sorted it, thanks anyway! Cuvette 246 — 8y

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