When the player walks into a certain set area, an audio (not 3D) will begin to play only for that player. When the player steps out of the area, the music will stop/quickly fade away. For example, if Player A was on a server with Players B, C and D and walked into a supermarket, shopping music would play for Player A but wouldn't play for Players B, C or D. Once Player A steps out of the area or gets out of the area by other means, the music will stop playing.
First off this is a request, but this is relitivally simple, just make a door so that when the player touches the door it clones or makes a new sound instance into their screen GUI, then have a local script make it play, and then add on the door an if player has sound then sound.remove() end
you really should be able to come up with this on your own with what I gave you, it isn't exactly that hard if you google it.