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help with Local Keypress door?

Asked by 8 years ago

hey, I need help with localscript, it is inside the player and I want the doors to slide open on keypress, for example. I am near to door1 and press f and it opens. basically which ever the player is nearest of the doors

can anyone help me out? please!!

function waitForChild(parent, childName)
    local child = parent:FindFirstChild(childName)
    if child then return child end
    while true do
        child = parent.ChildAdded:wait()
        if child.Name==childName then return child end

local doornumber = {
    [game.Workspace.Door] = {
        distance = 3, 
        Door = game.Workspace.Door,
        Part1 = game.Workspace.Door.Part1,
        Part2 = game.Workspace.Door.Part2,
        E1 = game.Workspace.Door.E1.E,
        E2 = game.Workspace.Door.E2.E
    [game.Workspace.Door1] = {
        distance = 3, 
        Door = game.Workspace.Door1,
        Part1 = game.Workspace.Door1.Part1,
        Part2 = game.Workspace.Door1.Part2,
        E1 = game.Workspace.Door1.E1.E,
        E2 = game.Workspace.Door1.E2.E

openspeed = 3
closespeed = -3

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

    if key == "f" then
        for Door, props in pairs(doornumber) do
            if player.Character and (player.Character.Torso.Position - Door.Position).magnitude >  props.distance then
                E2.Enabled = false ---- disables billboard
                E1.Enabled = false ---- disables billboard
                Part2.CFrame = Part2.CFrame + (Part2.CFrame.lookVector * openspeed) --- right door slides to the right
                Part1.CFrame = Part1.CFrame + (Part1.CFrame.lookVector * openspeed) -- left door slides to the left
            wait(3) --- below does opposite after 3 seconds
                E2.Enabled = true
                E1.Enabled = true
                Part2.CFrame = Part2.CFrame + (Part2.CFrame.lookVector * closespeed)
                Part1.CFrame = Part1.CFrame + (Part1.CFrame.lookVector * closespeed)


waitForChild = game.WaitForChild; Keep it simple. User#6546 35 — 8y

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Answered by 8 years ago

So far at a glance i dont see anything wrong but this line But its just a glance so i may be wrong ;p

if player.Character and (player.Character.Torso.Position - Door.Position).magnitude >  props.distance then

change that ">" sign to "<="

if player.Character and (player.Character.Torso.Position - Door.Position).magnitude <=  props.distance then
i get Position is not a valid member of Model 21:21:59.221 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.LocalScript', Line 42 Nightstalkr 0 — 8y

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