01 | im trying to add $ 1000 to a game pass but nothing is happening |
02 |
03 | buybutton = script.Parent |
04 | msp = game:GetService( "MarketplaceService" ) |
05 | id = 421785175 --pruduct id here |
06 | p = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
07 | buybutton.MouseButton 1 Click:connect( function () |
08 | msp:PromptPruductPurchase(p,id) |
09 | end ) |
10 | local passId = 421785175 --gamepass ID |
11 | local marketplaceService = game:GetService( "MarketplaceService" ) |
12 |
13 | local passId = 421785175 -- change this to your game pass ID |
14 | function isAuthenticated(player) -- checks to see if the player owns your pass |
15 | return game:GetService( "GamePassService" ):PlayerHasPass(player, passId) |