I am not exactly sure how to do this. So my code is: script.Parent.ResponseDialog = "You have clicked me times" and in between "me" and "times" I want to put a variable in there, but how do I do so?
You use the string concatenation operator ..
It basically serves to merge two string values together into one. E.g:
local str1 = "Hello, " local str2 = "World!" print("abc" .. "def") -- Would print "abcdef". print(str1 .. str2) -- Would print "Hello, World!". -- Lua numbers can also be automatically converted to strings. E.g: local age = 20 print("I am " .. age .. " years old.") -- Would print "I am 20 years old.".
Note that other Lua types will have to be transformed into strings using the "tostring()" function before being concatenated:
-- All of these would fail miserably: -- error: attempt to concatenate a nil value print("nil: " .. nil) -- error: attempt to concatenate a boolean value print("boolean: " .. true) -- error: attempt to concatenate a table value print("table: " .. {}) -- error: attempt to concatenate a function value print("function: " .. function() end) -- error: attempt to concatenate a thread value print("coroutine: " .. coroutine.create(function() end)) -- error: attempt to concatenate a userdata value print("Vector3: " .. Vector3.new()) ------------------------------ -- All of these are fine however: -- Would print "nil: nil". print("nil: " .. tostring(nil)) -- Would print "boolean: true". print("boolean: " .. tostring(true)) -- Would print something like "table: table: 12054C50". print("table: " .. tostring({})) -- Would print something like "function: function: 2126CC78". print("function: " .. tostring(function() end)) -- Would print something like "coroutine: thread: 119CE48C". print("coroutine: " .. tostring(coroutine.create(function() end))) -- Would print "Vector3: 0, 0, 0". print("Vector3: " .. tostring(Vector3.new()))
Hope this helps. If it did, please upvote my answer and mark it as accepted. If you need anything else, feel free to send me a message.
local amountOfTimes = 10 script.Parent.ResponseDialog = "You have clicked me "..tostring(amountOfTimes).. "times")
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