I have made a script(not even close to done) and when I make the x point random, it uses the same point each time. Here it is:
local serverstorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") local f = game.ServerStorage.Fire local fCopy = f local i = 1 local j = 1 local y = 0 local z = 15 repeat math.randomseed(tick()) for _ = 0, 1 do x = (math.random(100)) wait() break end print(x) f.Position = Vector3.new(x, y, z) local fCopy = f:Clone() fCopy.Parent = game.Workspace wait(.1) i = i + 1 print(i) until i==100 repeat game.Workspace.Fire:Remove() j = j + 50 until j == 1000
I also have the blocks disappear after about 10 seconds. I also have it print the x position and it turns up the same every time. Try to make the fix as simple as possible because I just started coding Lua a week ago.
I think your problem is that you only passed 1 argument to math.random. Try this:
x = (math.random(0, 100))