Tool Equipped event not firing?
Hierarchy goes like this:
-Particles (THIS IS A FOLDER!)
01 | repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild( "Character" )~ = nil |
03 | local tool = script.Parent |
04 | local aura = tool.Particles:FindFirstChild( "AuraParticle" ) |
05 | local plr = game:GetService( "Players" ).LocalPlayer |
06 | local char = plr:FindFirstChild( "Character" ) |
07 | local la = char:FindFirstChild( "Left Arm" ) |
08 | local ra = char:FindFirstChild( "Right Arm" ) |
10 | local function auraArms() |
11 | print ( "Aura Arms activated!" ) |
14 | tool.Equipped:connect(auraArms) |
It just doesn't want to do anything, no errors are in the output either. The tool doesn't have require a handle so that property is false, and that's really the only thing I changed in the properties of the tool.