Hello. There was recently a question on something related to this, but the answers weren't what I needed to know, so I figured I'd give it the spin I need.
Anyway, I've seen it done before, where you cannot reset when you try.
Is there a way to pragmatically do this? The context is a game where players get killed often, if you need more info.
If you rename humanoid, they cannot reset anymore. That's the only effective way I know of.
local humanoid = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") humanoid.Name = "noresettingforyou" end
should work ;)
while wait() do local char = player.Character if char and enabled then if char:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then char.Humanoid.Name = "humanoid" end
Put into StarterPack
zars, there is no humanoid in studio .-.
I just checked, no humanoid
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