local Stage1 = script.Parent local Reset = Instance.new("BoolValue") Reset.Parent = Stage1 Reset.Name = "StageReset" Reset.Value = false local Start = Stage1.StartPart local Finish = Stage1.FinishPart Finish.Touched:connect(function() print"Finished" if Reset.Value == false then Reset.Value = true Stage1.Target1.ColorPart1.BrickColor = "Really red" Stage1.Target1.ColorPart2.BrickColor = "Really red" Stage1.Door1.Transparency = 0.8 Stage1.Door1.Script.Disabled = false Stage1.Door1.CanCollide = true end end)
This should be in a regular script if it is on the server side.(in the workspace.) localscripts are only used on the client side(in the player or in the character.)
The touched event is already serverside so you do not need remote events or anything. just change the script to a regular old script.