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CoreGui - is it local?

Asked by 9 years ago

By this I mean can you access localplayer from CoreGui? Is CoreGui on the client or on the server?

I'm wondering this because I'm trying to put a GUI inside of the player but whenever I put it in CoreGui it doesn't work. Does anyone know if it works on the clients or servers side?

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

It's local.

It's a GUI thing, the server doesn't render GUIs, therefore it's purely logical that it would be a client-only thing. Also put GUIs inside of the PlayerGui, you're not supposed to touch CoreGui.

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Answered by 9 years ago

Server, It's on roblox. CoreGui is for client only. In summary, on server, for client.

Read more here.

Whenever I try to run my script in coregui it doesnt work. I get no errors, but I assume this is because I started my script with "local localplayer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer repeat wait() until localplayer.Character". Do you know how to fix this? NewVoids 97 — 9y
Put it inside StarterPlayerScripts. JamesLWalker 297 — 9y
Well that's the thing. This is a gui with the script inside of it, so when I put the gui in CoreGui it doesnt work. NewVoids 97 — 9y
Well not sure about it, read the wiki on it. JamesLWalker 297 — 9y

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