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Why wont the position of my Frame move?

Asked by 9 years ago
01currentgame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent -- all these don't need to be local, unless they are in a function or an if statement or a loop.
02menu = script.Parent
03play = script.Parent.Play
04quit = script.Parent.Quit
05upgrades = script.Parent.Upgrades
06quitmenu = script.Parent.Parent.Quit
07upgradesmenu = script.Parent.Parent.Upgrades
08gamemenu = script.Parent.Parent.Game
11    if currentgame.Visible then--no need for == true
12        gamemenu.Visible = true
13        menu.Visible = false
14    end
View all 42 lines...

I pointed out in the code where I don't know why it wont move...

Please help, thanks!

P.S. The frame after it moves, (quitmenu:TweenPosition(, 200, 0, 100))) ??????

Is FilteringEnabled on, and is this a server script or LocalScript? M39a9am3R 3210 — 9y
FilteringEnabled is off, and this is a server script UnknownGenerations 10 — 9y
for tween position your missing a couple of parameters that could be the problem ProfessorSev 220 — 9y

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