I know you can get the time and town using
local string = game.HttpService:GetAsync('http://www.timeanddate.com/', true) print(string:match("Current time in ".."[%a%s]+")) print(string:match("[%d]+"..":".."[%d]+"))
But how do you find the date?
p.s yaay first post on scriptinghelpers
Well, I have no real experience with this, but I just looked at timeanddate.com's HTML, and, I found that it had the date. Here is the string of what you could use (I think):
local date = [[<p><span id="ij2">(%.+)</span>]] print(date)
And a screenshot if you're not sure:
https://gyazo.com/6c96510bb951e180c3de8523c7095bef (Don't mind my city lol)
Hope I helped!