--Calling INTRO GUI Script--
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) repeat wait() until player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") gui = script.Gui:clone() gui.Parent = player.PlayerGui end)
Anything wrong?
--INTRO GUI Functions Script
wait (2) for i = 1, 10 do trans = i/10 trans = 1 - trans script.Parent.BG.BackgroundTransparency = trans wait (.1) end script.Parent.BG.Text1.Text = "Welcome to Trillin' Out Battles: Underground Rap!" wait (3) script.Parent.BG.Text2.Text = "After every battle chat 'Next' or 'Next Match'" wait (3) script.Parent.BG.Text3.Text = "Chat 'Start' to begin playing." script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if script ~= nil then message = msg:lower() if message == "start" then script.Parent.BG.Text1.Text = "" wait (.2) script.Parent.BG.Text2.Text = "" wait (.2) script.Parent.BG.Text3.Text = "" wait (.2) for i = 1, 10 do trans = i/10 script.Parent.BG.BackgroundTransparency = trans wait (.1) end x = Instance.new("IntValue" , script.Parent.Parent.Parent) x.Name = "WentThroughCutscene" script.Parent:remove() end end end)
--End of INTRO GUI Functions script--
Anything wrong?