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Personal Server Nil Value? Help Please!

Asked by 8 years ago

To check if a PS value is nil or is removed is it this?

if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("PSVariable") and game.Workspace.PSVariable:IsA("NilValue") then

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Answered by 8 years ago

Well the first part , game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("PSVariable"), checks if the value is true and the other checks if it's false. Meaning, no matter if the value is there or not the rest of the code won't run. So you must change part one to check if it equals false, "Or nil". Or you could just add a not to the front. Example,

if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("PSVariable") then
    --do stuff when value is nil
    -- do stuff when the value is true

I'm not sure if that's what you were asking but I tried. Good luck!

/\ Thanks I'm gonna try it EvolutionaryCode 15 — 8y

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