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Why is char nil?

Asked by 9 years ago
01local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
02local char = player.Character --This.
05    local Get = char:GetChildren() --This.
06    for i = 1, #Get do
07        if Get[i].ClassName == "Model" then
08            local Gget = Get[i]:GetChildren()
09            for i = 1, #Gget do
10                if Gget[i].Name == script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.TargetFolder.Target.Value then
11                Gget[i].BrickColor =
12                end
13            end
14        end
15    end
Is this a script or Localscript? rexbit 707 — 9y
LocalScript. Vingam_Securis 213 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

More often than not, local scripts will load in the player before his / her character does. Because of this, it's a common procedure to give the script a chance to wait for the character, before running the next line of code.

Sometimes people will use loops such as repeat or while to wait until the character doesn't equal nil, but there's actually an easier and shorter way to do this.


There's an event called CharacterAdded for each player, and with that event, inherits a wait method. This wait isn't exactly like the one built into the global environment, it works a bit differently. Here's an example:

1local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- I suggest using the LocalPlayer option instead of finding the script's ancestor
3local Character = Player.CharacterAdded:wait() -- Using the "wait" method will cause the script to yield until the character has been added. Once it's been added, it returns the character, which is then stored in our "Character" variable.

Possible problem?

Now, sometimes the character actually does load on time for the script to reference it right away (it's not common, but it can happen). So in this case, using the solution above would be bad, since it would wait for the character to be added, after it's already been added. So we can fix this by simply using an or statement, like this:

1local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
2local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:wait()
4print(Character.Name) -- Will print the character's name if the character does indeed exist

So, hope that helped. If you have any questions, just let me know.

I always forget about that kind of stuff, I had a dumb moment. Thanks so much for the help! I'll be hoping to find you for any possibly future issues I find with other scripts! Vingam_Securis 213 — 9y

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