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How do I make two parts slide like on a forklift?

Asked by 9 years ago

I'm working on a game and I've run into a problem scripting the motion of the forks of a forklift. I've got the model done, but no matter what I try in my script using CFrame and other API calls, I cannot change the position of the forks relative to the beam that holds them. If I break the joint between the forks and the beam, then I can move them, but then of course they don't work as a fork lift.

Here is the script I've tried most recently: -- ************************************************************************************

-- LiftTruckOperControlEven.OnServerEvent handler

-- In this function we will process the received events from the EventServer, fired by -- key press events handled by the Local Script. This function must -- * parse the sending player -- * parse the event "type" sent in arg1 -- * Confirm the player has a vehicle created of the correct type

-- * Confirm the player is the occupant of the vehicle with their name on it

game.Workspace.LiftTruckOperControlEvent.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, arg1) -- define the function that will be called when the event is fired

if (player ~= nil) then     
    local vehicleName = player.Name.."ContainerLiftTruck"
    if ( game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(vehicleName) and 
         (player.VehicleTag.Value == "ContainerLiftTruck") ) then
        local playersTruck = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(vehicleName) 
        local truckNetworkOwner = playersTruck.VehicleSeat:GetNetworkOwner() 
        -- lets make sure the networkowner is the one in the seat
        if (truckNetworkOwner.Name == player.Name) then 
        -- network owner is in the driver's seat
            if (arg1 == "up") then
                print (vehicleName.." Going Up!")
                local startingCFrame = playersTruck.GrabberAssembly:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
                local newCFrame = startingCFrame +, 5, 0) 
                print("Start: ",startingCFrame)
                print("New: ", newCFrame)                   
                --playersTruck.ContainerGrabAssembly.LiftTraveller.CFrame = newCFrame
                --playersTruck.ContainerGrabAssembly:TranslateBy(, 5, 0))

            elseif (arg1 == "down") then
                print (vehicleName.." Going Down!")
                print (vehicleName.." Arg1 not what I expected")
        else    -- someone other than the owner is in the seat

    print ("No Vehicle Found by that name")


In order for the new CFRAME to take effect, do I need to break the joint between the grabber assembly and the beam, then remake it after its done moving?

If anyone can help me with this scripting issue I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

  • EngineerTim
Sorry about the layout. It looked much cleaner in NotePad++ EngineerTim 5 — 9y
Sorry I can't be bothered helping anyone now I almost had a heart attack and I had to carry a new lounge set into my house. UniversalDreams 205 — 9y

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