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Removing a players name from Table?

Asked by
yyyyyy09 246 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

So basically what I have is a script for a scrolling frame, and when it is opened, it lists all the players in the game except for player that carries the script. I've added all the players into a table, and I've run a loop so that for how many players are in the game, a new frame will be there and visible with the players name on it

For some reason this block of code is not working, I've run print on both variables to see specifically if they do equal each other, which they do when the loop runs through the table and gets the player who ones the scripts name, but for some reason it's not running the if part of the the if else statement

if players[countertwo] == playerName then
        table.remove(players, countertwo)   
        countertwo = countertwo + 1             
_G.Selected = 0
local frame = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame
local counter = 0
local textboxes = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()
local players = game.Players:GetChildren()
local frames = #players
local playerName = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local countertwo = 1

function onItemSelected(item)

    _G.itemSelected = item

function onMouseButton1Down()

    if _G.Selected == 0 then
        frame.Visible = true
        while countertwo <= frames do   
            if players[countertwo] == playerName then
                table.remove(players, countertwo)   
                countertwo = countertwo + 1             
                frame:FindFirstChild(tostring(textboxes[countertwo])).Name =
                frame:FindFirstChild(tostring(players[countertwo])).Visible = true  
                frame:FindFirstChild(tostring(players[countertwo])).Name = tostring(players[countertwo])
                frame:FindFirstChild(tostring(players[countertwo])).Text = tostring(players[countertwo])
                countertwo = countertwo + 1     


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Answered by
yyyyyy09 246 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

I believe I've found the answer myself, it seems like Roblox was not not running the if statement for some reason but I waited a bit and reopened a test server with two test clients and it worked, I also figured out that in the

 if players[countertwo] == playerName then
                table.remove(players, countertwo)  
                countertwo = countertwo + 1 

I had, the countertwo should be taking away one instead of adding one to the counter, because the it is removing a player and so it shouldn't add a frame for that player


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