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How do I use GetFriendsOnline()?

Asked by
FOG20 5
9 years ago

How do I get the information from this table? . I just want to be able to access the player's friend's VisitorId, Last Online, IsOnline, LastLocation, and PlaceId.

1 answer

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Answered by
legosweat 334 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

GetFriendsOnline() returns a array, or a table if you say of the player specified friends.

In this example, I'm just going to print out each online friend's VisitorId, PlaceId, and LocationType.

**LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts: **

01local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
03for i,v in pairs (plr:GetFriendsOnline()) do
04    print(" ") -- New Line (Making it look pretty in Output)
05    if v.VisitorId then
06    print("Friend #"..i, " id is "..v.VisitorId) -- Get their userId
07    end
08    if v.PlaceId then
09    print(" Last Place Visited Was: "..v.PlaceId) -- Get the place id of the game they're playing.
10    end
11    if v.LocationType == 0 then -- Checking location type
12        print(" Is on mobile website")
13    elseif v.LocationType == 1 then
14        print(" Is in mobile game")
15    elseif v.LocationType == 2 then
View all 22 lines...

You should get the basic concept on how it works. Test this, and configure it, and you should get what you need.

Thank, you so much! FOG20 5 — 9y
How can I find the JobId with this? PenguinDevs 45 — 6y

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