This is a winning system. worked in game for a while but then stopped working after the last update ...
anime ="Animation") anime.AnimationId = "" admin = {} function to(plr) passive = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Blackout") local rank = plr:GetRankInGroup(1224907) if rank>248 then print("Player is admin") local value = script.Value.Value value = value + 1 for i = value, value do admin[i] = plr.Name admin[plr.Name] = true wait() end end plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if admin[plr.Name] then if msg:sub(1,8) == ":winners" then print(":Winners Are") if not admin[plr.Name]then passive.bottom:TweenPosition(,0,0, -40),"Out","Quad",2),0,0.4, 0),"Out","Quad",2) end if not admin[plr.Name] or admin[plr.Name]then plr.Chatted:connect(function(msga) if msga:sub(1,4) == ":1st" and msga:sub(6,9) == string.lower(plr.Name:sub(1,4)) and script["1st"].Value == false then first = plr.Name plr.Character:MoveTo(workspace.WinningBoard["1st"].Position) print(plr.Name .. " is 1st!") script["1st"].Value = true st = plr.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anime) st:Play() else if msga:sub(1,4) == ":2nd" and msga:sub(6,9) == string.lower(plr.Name:sub(1,4)) and script["2nd"].Value == false then plr.Character:MoveTo(workspace.WinningBoard["2nd"].Position) second = plr.Name script["2nd"].Value = true print(plr.Name .. " is 2nd!") nd = plr.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anime) nd:Play() else if msga:sub(1,4) == ":3rd" and msga:sub(6,9) == string.lower(plr.Name:sub(1,4)) and script["3rd"].Value == false then plr.Character:MoveTo(workspace.WinningBoard["3rd"].Position) third = plr.Name print(plr.Name .. " is 3rd!") script["3rd"].Value = true rd = plr.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anime) rd:Play() end end if script["1st"].Value == true and script["2nd"].Value == true and script["3rd"].Value == true then passive.bottom:TweenPosition(, 0,1.5, 30),"Out","Quad",2),0,-1, 0),"Out","Quad",2) wait() workspace.Sound:Play() wait(1) passive.TextLabel.Text = third .. " Is Third!" wait(2) passive.TextLabel:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 150),"Out","Quad",0.5) wait() for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do passive.TextLabel.TextTransparency = i wait(0.1) end passive.TextLabel.Size =,0,0,100) passive.TextLabel.Text = second .. " Is Second!" wait(2) for i = 1, 0, -0.1 do passive.TextLabel.TextTransparency = i wait(0.1) end wait(0.5) passive.TextLabel:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 150),"Out","Quad",0.5) for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do passive.TextLabel.TextTransparency = i wait(0.1) end passive.TextLabel.Size =,0,0,100) passive.TextLabel.Text = first .. " Is First!" wait(3) for i = 1, 0, -0.1 do passive.TextLabel.TextTransparency = i wait(0.1) end wait(9) wait(0.5) passive.TextLabel:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 150),"Out","Quad",0.5) for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do passive.TextLabel.TextTransparency = i wait(0.1) end wait(1) st:Stop() nd:Stop() rd:Stop() plr.Character:MoveTo(workspace.WinningBoard["end"].Position) workspace.Sound:Stop() passive.TextLabel.Text = "" wait(0.1) passive.TextLabel.TextTransparency = 0 wait(60) script["1st"].Value = false script["2nd"].Value = false script["3rd"].Value = false end end end) end end end end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(to)
baisically most of it works incept for everytime I try to get the blackout gui which I placed into starter gui and then get by doing plr.PlayerGui.Blackout