Hi again! Today, I am wondering how I can add a tool to my gamepass. How do I make it so if someone bought the gamepass, they can spawn in with something. I also need to know where to find the game passes in the ROBLOX Studio.
Thanks again!! :D
Here is a script I made for you. Put the tools you want in lighting
01 | --For se22an21 |
02 | wait( 2 ) |
03 |
04 | gpid = 368353478 --Game Pass ID |
05 |
06 | GPS = Game:GetService( "GamePassService" ) |
07 | function respawned(char) |
08 | local ToolName = game.Lighting.ToolName:Clone() -- Change tool name to what you want |
09 | local Backpack = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack |
10 | ToolName.Parent = Backpack |
11 | game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(respawned) |