I already did the land and i opened the windows that i needed to open but i don't even what scripting is.
I reccomend to learn scripting watching PeasPod's Vids on youtube his Channel is called
local PeasFactory = Instance.new("Hint") PeasFactory.Text = "His Channel is https://www.youtube.com/user/PeasFactory" PeasFactory.Parent = game.Workspace
I suggest you start with an idea.
Ideas take creativity and planning. I always write a list, and then figure out if the idea is going to be possible for my skill level (My skill level is not very high... XD).
Start with building something and then figure out what you want to do with that.
Once you have an idea, then you can ask questions about how to script things.
I started by watching some ROBLOX U videos and I created my own race track and scripted it.
Now I am learning about GUI's.
Try looking on ROBLOX wiki for programming help too, it's a good source.
A great way to start scripting is by watching peaspods tutorial( a famous robloxian)
He's covering pretty much all the beginner stuffs in his first playlist, second.
Which is the advanced:
After you've finished your course there, you pretty much have the basic knowledge of scripting.