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What is Roblox using for the Custom Chat Name Color Algorithm?

Asked by
Nickoakz 231 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

We all know by now that it's not what they say it is by 'random'..

So how are they calculating the color for our name?

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

This is one of those very few questions I give a direct answer to, but I'm only doing this because just about every custom chat system on ROBLOX that I know of that implements this feature, uses the exact same method.

Basically, it's a combination between the length of the name, and each individual character's ASCII value. After it's gotten that information from within the for loop, well, the math below speaks for itself. Here's my version of it, where the name is the first parameter, and an array of Color3 values, is it's second:

01local function GetLengthColor(String,ColorList)
02    local Result = 0 -- Final number to modulate the #ColorList from
03    for i = 1, #String do
04        local ASCII = String:sub(i,i):byte() -- Get the ASCII value of it's current character
05        local Comp = #str-i+1
06        if #String%2 == 1 then
07            Comp = Comp-1
08        end
09        if Comp%4 >= 2 then
10            ASCII = -ASCII
11        end
12        Result = Result+ASCII
13    end
14    return ColorList[Result%#ColorList+1] -- Return the index value from the ColorList.

Hope this is what you were looking for. I'm sorry to say that I don't know what colors ROBLOX uses for their speaker tags, but this is the correct sequence in which it's chosen from.

If you have any questions regarding how the function works, just let me know and I'll be happy to explain.

You could look at ROBLOX's GitHub repository for the current chat colors. NullSenseStudio 342 — 9y
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Answered by
BlackJPI 2658 Snack Break Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

To add onto ScriptGuider's answer:

These are the colors:

01local CHAT_COLORS =
03, 41/255, 67/255), --"Bright red").Color,
04, 162/255, 255/255), --"Bright blue").Color,
05, 184/255, 87/255), --"Earth green").Color,
06"Bright violet").Color,
07"Bright orange").Color,
08"Bright yellow").Color,
09"Light reddish violet").Color,
10"Brick yellow").Color,

And this is the formula:

1function getChatColor(pName)
2    return CHAT_COLORS[(GetNameValue(pName) % #CHAT_COLORS) + 1]

Taken from the core script for the Roblox chat system.

Whoops, looks like NullSenseStudio beat me to it with his comment BlackJPI 2658 — 9y

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