Is it possible to make a circular gui?
To make a 'circular' GUI, you would need to upload an Image to ROBLOX then use that Image in an Image Label. There are Styles for GUI's that ROBLOX makes, but they're all pretty much crap.
The answer is No. You cannot make a circular GUI. You have to upload the Asset-ID of a certain Decal on roblox to Make it circular, But you cannot make a Circular GUI in general. You'd have to paint or make a decal of whatever you want your GUI to say or be, Then you must make the background transparent, then you must upload it as a Decal, then take the asset-ID Number, and insert that number into the ImageButton or ImageLabel. Whichever it is you are wanting. Position it, Size it, And you're GUI is complete.
No you have to make it yourself in some software. Sorry.
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