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What is the most efficient way to learn scripting?

Asked by
Zofen 20
9 years ago

I've been wanting to learn how to script for a little while now, and I wanted to know what the most efficient method of learning is! More specific regions of scripting would be GUI's, and animation scripts. I do already build but I would further more want to improve my Developer skills by learning how to script.

ROBLOX WIki, YouTube, pay someone for lessons. Shawnyg 4330 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

Getting started

The cool part about this is it's entirely up to you. The absolute BEST thing you can do, is ask questions. No matter how stupid you think a question can be some times, if it helps you better understand something, then it's a good question.

Learning to script isn't unlike learning any other foreign language in real life. It just takes practice, patience, and time. This brings me to a quote that I really enjoy using:

"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."

In other words, it's helpful to know a bunch of facts and details about what you're learning, but it won't mean anything unless you put it to good use. Likewise with scripting / programming, what you really want to practice, is thinking outside the box. Programming, scripting, math, they're all just a different form of art. A different form of expression for someone to unleash their creativity and imagination, and making something possible.


Now, I could sit here and tell you to go on YouTube or the Wiki to start learning, but the truth is, an explanation is truly only an explanation no matter what, unless you give it a try yourself. You can absorb tons of information just by reading something, but you can't possibly understand how it's useful until you've tried it. Much like tasting a food for the first time. Someone can say that it's delicious, but do you really know for yourself until you've tried it?


I find this an incredible way to practice problem solving skills, which are some of the most important skills to have. We're always here to support people trying to learn something new, and that shouldn't be an exception anywhere else.

Short answer?

I guess if I wanted to sum all of this up, just believe in yourself, believe in what you're learning, ask questions, and PRACTICE.

I also have a YouTube channel (which I'm not advertising), but if you're interested or have any questions you'd like me to explain in a video, I'd be happy to help.

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Answered by 9 years ago

looking it up? idk otherwize heres a wiki link:

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