Hello, I'm trying to figure out how I can use camera manipulation when a part is clicked (Which has a ClickDetector) But I'm not sure how, I know how to script a camera going around an object, and stop that camera when a TextButton is clicked. And I know how to script a clickable part, but I'm not sure how to combine them both, I know that in order to have the camera go around an object, it needs to be in a Local Script, but for the ClickDetector, it needs to be in a Script. If I didn't mention this already, what I'm trying to create is when you click on a model, the camera will go around the model, than TextButtons will appear, and they'll say Buy and Back, so when you press the Back button, it'll stop the camera manipulation from rotating the camera, and goes to the character, while the Buy button is the button where you buy the model, which I also know how to do...
Thank you,
Hope you understood my question :)
Call the MouseClick event client side then access the camera via a local script for the camera manipulation.