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What is the format for saving tables in DataStores?

Asked by 9 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a perm ban system using DataStores. For this to work efficiently, it needs tables. I don't know what is the correct format to create tables in DataStores. Do I just make up the table name and it will appear?

Here is some example code

1store:GetAsync(key, table.insert([TABLE NAME HERE], id)

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Answered by
lukeb50 631 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

this would create a blank table in a datastore

How would I add values to the table then? KianTrains 5 — 9y
put the values in {} lukeb50 631 — 9y
Yes, but it gets added in-game, meaning it would have to be table.insert() or something. KianTrains 5 — 9y
then use getasync(),insert it, and save it back the the datastore lukeb50 631 — 9y
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store:SetAsync("BanTable", add) add is the table.insert(), it comes out with argument 2 missing. KianTrains 5 — 9y
In this situation, you'd want to use :UpdateAsync() as there is potential for it to be changed by multiple servers. With it, check if an old value is there, and call `table.insert(THE_TABLE, NEW_BANNED_PLAYER)` on it. PowerHotmail123 90 — 9y

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