while wait() do game.Workspace.qwe.Position = game.Workspace.qwe.Position + Vector3.new(0,.1,0) end
while wait() do game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("qwe").Position = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("qwe").Position + Vector3.new(0,.1,0) end
there are two parts in the workspace called 'qwe'. the scripts above are teststo see if they would both start floating higher, but apparently, you cant use the same name for multiple parts. is t impossible to use the same name, or is there something im missing?
Ok so think of it like this you have 2 friends who are identical how do you tell them apart, you can't.
Roblox can't tell the 2 parts apart because they have the same name.
I recommend making one qwe1 and the other qwe2!