On Line 53 I get this Error: "cannot access SetSprite of userdata<ScriptWrapper>" How do I fix this?
encountertext = "Papyrus is Paping :D!" --Modify as necessary. It will only be read out in the action select screen. nextwaves = {"bullettest_bouncy"} wavetimer = 4.0 arenasize = {155, 130} enemies = { "Papyrus The Unpaping"} enemypositions = { {0, 0} } -- A custom list with attacks to choose from. Actual selection happens in EnemyDialogueEnding(). Put here in case you want to use it. possible_attacks = {"bullettest_bouncy", "bullettest_chaserorb", "bullettest_touhou"} function EncounterStarting() -- If you want to change the game state immediately, this is the place. end function EnemyDialogueStarting() -- Good location for setting monster dialogue depending on how the battle is going. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue', {"NYEHEHE!"}) end function EnemyDialogueEnding() -- Good location to fill the 'nextwaves' table with the attacks you want to have simultaneously. -- This example line below takes a random attack from 'possible_attacks'. nextwaves = { possible_attacks[math.random(#possible_attacks)] } end function DefenseEnding() --This built-in function fires after the defense round ends. encountertext = RandomEncounterText() --This built-in function gets a random encounter text from a random enemy. end function HandleSpare() State("ENEMYDIALOGUE") end function HandleItem(ItemID) BattleDialog({"Selected item " .. ItemID .. "."}) end animationFrames = {"poseur", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15"} currentFrame = 1 animationTimer = 0 function Update() animationTimer = animationTimer + 1 if(animationTimer% 15 == 0) then currentFrame = (currentFrame % (#animationFrames)) + 1 enemies[1].SetSprite(animationFrames[currentFrame]) animationTimer = 0 end end
Neither SetSprite nor SetVar is a function or yieldfunction on the Roblox platform.
Further, enemies[1]
is a string "Papyrus The Unpaping"
Next time you post a question on this site, please describe what you are trying to do, how the script is supposed to work, and relevant information about the Roblox objects involved. I can't help you any further if I don't even understand what you were going for.