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How do i add cash to my leaderboard with a part??

Asked by 9 years ago
01local cash ="IntValue")
02cash.Name = "Cash"
03cash.Value = 0
05local cashmoney = game.ServerStorage.MoneyStorage:FindFirstChild(newPlayer.Name)
06if cashmoney ~= nil then
07    cashmoney.Changed:connect(function()
08        cash.Value = cashmoney.Value
09    end)

This is my script for having a leaderboard with cash on it, and it starts with 0, and also its a tycoon game. How do i make it so that if any player touches a certain part, somewhere in the middle of the map, it adds cash to their leaderboard?

do you mean just to add to the cash value? like cash.Value = cash.Value + 1 theCJarmy7 1293 — 9y
No because then I'm petty sure that would change the cash amount of a player when they just join. I need it to add on later, fro Supergamerboy1995 129 — 9y
just put it under a touch function and add it to the player who touched the brick. theCJarmy7 1293 — 9y
Yup that's exactly what I did, thank you. Supergamerboy1995 129 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

i Highly recommend watching this video it tells you how to make a leaderboard,give cash every 1 sec (like a actual tycoon game),tells you how to give cash when you touch a brick

don't skip through to find the part where he tells you how to add cash its best you watch the tutorial twice and get to the point where you can write the script without looking at the video so when need to something besides adding cash you know how to do it

Thanks! Supergamerboy1995 129 — 9y

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