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How do you create and rig a model to be used with the "Animation Editor 3.0" plugin? <Solved>

Asked by 9 years ago

I have tried making a script to generate the motor6D motors that act as the joints for the model, based off the dummy rig... but can't get the plugin to recognize it.... I am sure some/most of this script is wrong but here is a snippet of what I did.

r ="Motor6D", workspace.Monster.HumanoidRootPart)

r.Name = "Root"

r.Part0 = workspace.Monster.HumanoidRootPart

r.Part1 = workspace.Monster.Torso

r.C0 =,0,0) --I know the numbers here aren't correct.

r.C1 =,0,0) -- and here.

Solved it by using the Character Creator Plugin and the AnimRig2 plugin. Things the model needs is

-HumanoidRootPart (this is like an invisible torso) Note this part needs to be anchored. - -Torso(Is linked to the HumanoidRootPart via Motor6D created by the plugins) ---Head(linked to torso via motor6d) ---other parts like arms, legs...(linked to torso via motor6d) Note: all of the surfaces on the parts making up the model need to be smooth and not anchored (except humaniodrootpart needs to be anchored).

Try naming it RootJoint instead? XAXA 1569 — 9y
You need to make sure everything is where it should be; alphawolvess 1784 — 9y
So I have those things and I can select it in the animator, but when I try and rotate part of my model shoots up super high in the sky. burrokid 5 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

As I have been told the rigs are recognized as having what a humanoid has. So your main 2 things to have is a head and torso. Without those it's un-recognizable.


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