Ok heres a problem. When admin (ex: me) joined in place. This script adding new card when that admin in list "Admins" with userId. But i dunno why this script not working. Anyone help with this? (Its with trello system) Here a script.
--DONT REMOVE DEEZ!!!!-- local Trello = require(game.Workspace.TrelloAPI) local BoardID = Trello:GetBoardID("My_game") local AdminListID = Trello:GetListID("Admins",BoardID) local BanListID = Trello:GetListID("Banlist",BoardID) local UserID = game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId local step1 = Trello:GetCardID(UserID,BoardID) local Target = Trello:GetCardInfo(step1,BoardID) --DONT REMOVE DEEZ!!!!-- function CheckAdmin() if Target.Name == UserID then Trello:AddCard(UserID," ",BanListID) else print("Error when checking...") end end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(CheckAdmin)
Something tells me that this Trello API isn't designed to work on the client. Either move your code to a Script, or work out a better way than LocalPlayer (If it's in a Script already)
EDIT: Scripts can't use LocalPlayer
You'd ought to look into a better way to grab the player causing an action.