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Camera Manipulation - Changing the camera's position on the player's screen?

Asked by 8 years ago

I realized that I didn't make my question clear enough so I will rewrite it: I am wondering if it is possible to change the position and size of the GUI that displays the Player's camera. If this is possible please answer how I would achieve this.


2 answers

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Answered by
Pyrondon 2089 Game Jam Winner Moderation Voter Community Moderator
8 years ago

Humanoids have a property called CameraOffset. All you have to do is set that through a script.

I just explored this however it is not quite what I am looking for. I am not trying to change the position of the camera. I am trying to change the size and position of the actual GUI that displays the camera. tacktic2010 70 — 8y
Ah, I see what you mean now. Pyrondon 2089 — 8y
So, do you believe this is possible? tacktic2010 70 — 8y
I'm unsure, if it is I've never heard of it. Pyrondon 2089 — 8y
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Oh ok. I was thinking, instead of changing the screen position, would it be possible just to change the point of rotation on the screen? tacktic2010 70 — 8y
I'm not sure. Pyrondon 2089 — 8y
Wait, could I create an artificial camera that streams to an image or something? tacktic2010 70 — 8y
I'm not too well-versed with all the things you could do with cameras, but I've never heard of that sort of thing Pyrondon 2089 — 8y
Yeah that probably wouldn't be possible - I may email roblox about this, is that with Roblox's terms and conditions? tacktic2010 70 — 8y
Emailing them? ..Yeah, you can do that Pyrondon 2089 — 8y
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Answered by
lukedm 0
8 years ago

You can set camera properties.

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